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When advancement services pulls the wrong list.



When you accidentally include the board of trustees in your solicitation email.



When it’s 11:59 on June 29th



When it’s 12:01 on July 1st



When your goal is set by throwing darts, spinning a wheel, etc.



When the Chancellor recognizes you and knows your name!



When alumni relations complains about phone solicitations to alumni.



When marketing rewrites your solicitation letter.



When you can’t get the major gift fundraisers to respond to a donor list review request.



When the board asks your cost to raise a dollar.



When you get that new FTE line in next year’s budget….



And when you don’t get that line.



When you convince leadership for funding in the budget for a crowdfunding platform.



When your “favorite” major gift officer takes another job in another state.



When a faculty member wants to run a $100,000 crowdfunding campaign.



When a board member wants to run a $100,000 crowdfunding campaign.



When you come back into the office after the weekend reinvigorated…



…and then you check your email inbox.



 When there’s an hour left and your 95% of the way to your goal…



 …you hit your fundraising goal at the last minute…



…and then surpass it… by a lot.



 When you realize you sent an email without putting in a link to your campaign…



 …to the wrong email list.



 When your tweet is 141 characters long…



 ...but you fix it and someone clicks and makes a donation.



When a matching donor backs out of their gift at the last minute.



When someone says you can’t do an on-campus event for your giving day.



When you’re about to handwrite hundreds of thank you letters.



Your internal monologue when you get volunteered to speak at a fundraising event unprepared.



When you finally get lunch provided for a meeting…



…but they forget your order.



 Your reaction when a major gift officer gives you a list of donors not to solicit.



When you try to explain what you do at a party, and someone says “Oh, you just ask for money”



Kaylen Merritt
Author: Kaylen Merritt
Katie Haystead

Katie Haystead

Senior Vice President, Partnerships

With over a decade of experience working with K12 schools and higher education institutions’ fundraising efforts, Katie Haystead now oversees the partnerships team at Community Funded. Her passion for partner success and satisfaction aligns with Community Funded’s priorities and Katie’s unique background is well suited to manage the day to day operations of our partnerships team as well as new market acquisition.

Prior to joining the team at Community Funded, Katie served many roles within the Fundraising Division at Ruffalo Noel Levitz. Her experience ranges from working onsite and remotely with clients executing phonathon programs, developing annual giving strategies, onsite consultations and also developing multichannel strategies allowing for strong synergy between annual giving channels and creating strong major and planned gift pipelines.

Katie is based in Metro Detroit and is a graduate of Central Michigan University, where she worked for the phonathon for 3 years while working towards her History Major.

Kim Jennings

Kim Jennings

Senior Generosity Strategist, Generis

Kim Jennings, CFRE is a skilled fundraising leader who believes in the power of Christian education to raise up thoughtful, strong, committed leaders who can make our world a better place for all.

Kim Jennings

Todd Turner

Director of Digital Strategies, Generis

In addition to his 11 years overseeing Chuck Swindoll’s Insight Living Ministries communications department, Todd Turner has worked as a digital strategist for faith based organizations across the globe..

Kim Jennings

Jennifer Perrow

Senior Generosity Strategist, Generis

Jennifer is a skilled fundraising and communications professional who helps ministries articulate vision, communicate mission, and raise abundant funds to advance Kingdom priorities.
